Monday, August 2, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different

I thought to beg my readers to become followers after I chose my title for tonight, so you'll please forgive me. Indeed, my sycophancy has no limits, and, like the man jerking off before the crowd and crying, "Love me!" I would greatly appreciate it if I were to be made aware of the size of the crowd observing my weekday mental masturbation.

If you have a google account, please do sign in as a follower. If you don't have a google account, what is wrong with you? I mean, it's only logging into Big Brother and signing over the blood of your firstborn.

I have been using Google Analytics, which is a wondrous program for showing numbers of the people reading my scribbles... And from where, but it does not identify them closer than the city they reside in.

Facebook is the driving force behind most of my readership, it seems: Friends and relations from the days of my youth, checking in and sometimes reading a bit of the weirdness that lives in my skull and dribbles on the screen...

If you are already a follower, you are among the first, and shall be rewarded here, not in the hereafter. Those fifteen shall be the recipients of something nice, I swear it...
Just not yet...
Not yet...

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